Heaven & Earth Qigong
Online Training Program

An 8-Week Intensive to Learn a Powerful Self-Healing System to Heal Your Body & Awaken Your Qi

with Master Bruce Frantzis and Paul Cavel


Unique Benefits



Dear Friends,

Do you sometimes have low energy and are tired or drained at the end of the day … or all day?

Do you have a limited amount of time and need a simple solution for dealing with stress and tension now?

Are you not moving your body enough?

The truth is that most people have very little time and are under excessive stress these days.

More and more people are also sitting at a desk all day (often with poor posture).

Nourishing one’s own body and keeping up a regular practice such as qigong and tai chi, is often held hostage by the other priorities in life.

Over time the body starts to contract and collapse. Energy channels shut down and your qi stops flowing smoothly and strongly.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Heaven and Earth Qigong is a natural solution for those without a lot of time to practice and the antidote to many of the health issues that plague Westerners.

Although I’ve been teaching this set since the 1980s, we have never created an online program and it remains relatively unknown in the West.

For this reason, I have partnered with Energy Arts Senior Instructor Paul Cavel from London to create the first-ever comprehensive online program. He’s a skilled practitioner known for being particularly adept at deconstructing and reconstructing internal forms.

Inside this new online training you will learn the movements step-by-step and also how to significantly upgrade your existing movement form.

You’ll also learn the essential internal (neigong) content responsible for all of its incredible health benefits.

It may even give you a taste of the deeper neigong training that has the power to transform your body, mind and qi.

We invite you to join us to learn this practice for your own benefit and to share it with others.

Master Bruce Frantzis

Master Bruce Frantzis

Paul Cavel

The Marriage of Heaven and Earth Qigong is one of the most powerful sets we teach to fully open and expand the body. It greatly helps you get your qi flowing naturally and builds your life-force.”
– Bruce Frantzis

The Power of Qigong

What you are about to discover is a method to develop the energetic system of your body that is still relatively unknown in the West. Qigong, or energy exercise, consists of relatively easy movement sequences usually done on the spot, that stimulate the vascular system and energy lines of the body—all WITHOUT high-impact exercise that causes pressure on the heart, the joints and vulnerable places of the body.

With its slow, repetitive, circular motion, qigong has been practiced in China for millennia by hundreds of millions of people to stay healthy, heal their bodies and counter the effects of aging. It goes counter to some of prevailing myths about health and exercise:

Myth #1: I need to get stronger (tense) to feel better
Western exercise typically has a big focus on cardiovascular training that requires a lot of repetitive stress on the joints and body system or on lifting weights. As the body ages repetitive shock to the joints and muscles can have negative effect. Chinese exercise systems take a different approach to look at the integration of all the physical components in the body as well as qi development and circulation.

Myth #2: What the qigong form looks like on the outside is what is most important
Often we associate power with things that look bigger and more dramatic, but with energy arts and qigong this is not necessarily the case. It is often the smaller, more contained movements that generate and circulate qi more rapidly. This is the case for both the smaller form tai chi sets (such as Wu style) and shorter qigong sets such as Heaven and Earth.

Myth #3: Qigong can only be used to relax and it’s too soft to generate power
It is a common misunderstanding that outward strength and power are one in the same. Would you rather have strong muscles or better functioning vital organs? Would you rather look good on the outside, but feel turmoil underneath? Or are you ready to do something to feel clearer, freer and more stable from deep within, so that energy radiates from the inside out? Through qigong you relax and ensure that your deep physical structures are nourished and healthy which in turn give you greater strength and qi to live life fully.

Myth #4: More movements in a qigong or tai chi form generates more qi
Although outwardly learning more moves may be fun, a better strategy for well-being is to learn a few movements in which you can practice the most powerful internal components for your health and vitality. Heaven and Earth has a few moves for which are perfect to practice various internal components. Once you master them inside this qigong set FIRST then you can bring them into the longer sets later for even more benefit.

Myth #5: Thinking about my problems and visualizing the solution can help me feel better
If we could just think our way out of our problems, the whole world would be happy. From a Taoist perspective, you actually have to do something to actively release the energy that becomes blocked within you, whether that’s physical, energetic, emotional or mental in nature. Visualizations alone are not enough. Heaven and Earth provides a simple container for feeling and connecting deeply to yourself to find out what’s there. You can use its specialized technology to deal with the blocks you find. Over time, you can grow your skill with releasing ever-deeper layers of bound energy and, in so doing, become freer, healthier and more alive in body, mind and spirit.

Heaven & Earth Qigong:
A Simple Exercise System to heal your body and awaken your qi

Heaven and Earth is one of the most popular qigong sets inside the Energy Arts System because it is easy to learn and benefits from training can be experienced almost immediately. It is also one of the core sets that anyone serious about internal arts will want to train deeply.

Make no mistake though, within this qigong set are neigong (internal energy components) that make it extremely useful and powerful to help you feel better.

Just take a look at Heaven and Earth’s range of internal-energetic layers—each containing in­credible potential depth:

  • Alignments
  • Bending-and-stretching
  • Twisting
  • Wrapping
  • Open-and-closing (a.k.a. pulsing)
  • Lengthening (yin-yang flows)
  • Breathing
  • Techniques for working with the etheric field
  • Feeling, moving and transforming internal energies
  • Macrocosmic and microcosmic orbits
  • Outer Dissolving
  • Techniques for working with the left and right channels of energy
  • Techniques for working with the central channel of energy
  • Techniques for working with the internal organs
  • Techniques for working with the lower tantien.


Every qigong set in the Energy Art System is linked to a specific element. Heaven and Earth Qigong specifically develops the energy of the Wood Element in your body.

The Wood Element gets the body’s fluids and qi to powerfully circulate throughout the body. When qi flows better, you can relax … and feel better.

A few of the additional self-healing benefits of Heaven and Earth Qigong include:

  1. Balancing the qi flow throughout the body
  2. Opening blocked energy gates
  3. Tonifying the internal organs, and
  4. Clearing the mind of stuck energy and mental churning.

It is also useful for coping with a repetitive stress injury (RSI), such as carpal tunnel syndrome, joint pain, arthritis and physical tension.

In fact, Heaven and Earth Qigong—a 3,000-year-old exercise system—is often referred to as “healing qigong” because it’s specialty is powerfully circulating blood and qi throughout the body, rapidly healing illness and generating vitality.

In this way, Heaven and Earth is a powerful tool for CLEARING physical, energetic and emotional blockages, and REVITALIZING the body and mind.

8 Ways Heaven & Earth Qigong is Unique

01. The Five Primary Qi Flows

By practicing this movement form, you will work with five primary qi flows in the body including: opening and closing the skeletal frame, activating and developing the ascending and descending qi flows (acupressure meridians), activating and developing the collateral qi flows, cleansing the tissues inside the brain, and joining the above qi flows to generate and boost the great and small orbits of energy.

02. Works Directly with the Liver Organ

Heaven and Earth energetics uses the Wood Element and targets the liver, which, in Chinese medicine, is associated with the power to get things done when healthy, and frustration and anger when qi is blocked in the liver. Heaven and Earth practice balances the liver qi and gives you a systematic and progressive method for dispelling stagnancies, emotions, traumas and chemical toxins in the liver.

03. Smooths Out the Emotions

The body, mind and emotions are influenced by qi. So when qi becomes inhibited, clogged up or stagnant, there is a tendency not only for physical problems to emerge, but also irregular and raw emotions. If left unaddressed for too long, an individual can become volatile–potentially explosive, depressive or swing between the two. Getting the liver qi moving well can smooth the emotions and help a practitioner reach a more stable baseline.

04. Improved Intellectual Performance

Intellectual work can literally cause the brain to “eat” the body, as the Chinese say. Mental overload requires more blood and qi, so the brain starts pulling from the internal organs to keep going. The movements in Heaven and Earth are designed to cleanse the brain and balance qi flow in the macrocosmic and microcosmic orbits and encourage alternating rhythms in the body.

05. Value for Those Who Meditate

Opening and closing is a key to Taoist meditation. Internally pulsing specific points within your body and mind gives you the ability to target places inside where you feel blocked energy. Heaven and Earth is a simple movement form that can enable you to access inner spiritual blockages, which is a rare and invaluable tool for meditation.

06.  Circulate Qi within the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic Orbits

During the macrocosmic orbit, as the practitioner cultivates sensitivity to qi, they can gain the ability to link with the energies of Earth and Heaven, and then circulate those energies throughout their entire body. Working with these environmental energies can have a profound impact on health, perception, and the ability to feel and work with qi

07. Integrate Layers of the 16 Neigong

With one continuous motion, the emphasis on this qigong movement set is on building layer upon layer of internal qi content through many repetitions instead of varying movement sequences. It contains an amazing depth of internals, spanning the first 12 of 16 broad categories of internal-energetic principles (neigong). It bridges beginning to more advanced qigong practice, which is one of the reasons it’s a favorite amongst new and existing students alike.

08. Etheric and Energetic Workout System

The secret behind exponential energy growth lies in Heaven and Earth’s specialized technology, which is designed to engage everything in the human body and its energy, from the etheric field to the central channel, and all the layers in be­tween. In terms of the learning progression, Heaven and Earth is the first Water tradition neigong to work at this depth, developing the bulk of physical content found in tai chi and bagua, as well as developing the foundation material necessary for advanced qigong systems.

3 Core Internal Benefits and Practices

Core #1: Soft-Tissue Techniques

The physical motions of the Heaven and Earth form, along with foundational soft-tissue techniques:

  • Relieve tension in the body, mind, and qi
  • Dredge up and release blockages from old injuries
  • Increase flexibility and range of motion
  • Improve circulation and digestion
  • Reduce high blood pressure and improve venous return
  • Reduce back, neck and shoulder restrictions, and pain
  • Strengthen the arms, neck, legs, spine and internal organs
  • Seal inguinal hernias.

Core #2: Pulsing Techniques

When opening-and-closing (pulsing) techniques come online and are woven into the fabric of the Heaven and Earth form, all of the previous positive effects are amplified, and deeper blockages and restrictions can drop away. Additional benefits of pulsing:

  • Relieves constipation by inducing peristalsis—movement within the large intestine
  • Repairs joint and soft-tissue damage from repetitive-strain injuries and blunt-force traumas, and relieves pain from both
  • Relieves and repairs damage from arthritis
  • Profoundly releases the nerves
  • Takes pressure away from the heart by directly pulsing the blood vessels, which tones them and increases circulation
  • Reduces stress and soothes the nerves by strengthening the synapses and regulating smoother and more regular signals in the central nervous system.

Core #3: Energetic Techniques

When the specific energetic and Wood Element techniques are woven in another boost in the efficiency and effectiveness of all the previous benefits takes place. Additional benefits of  energetic techniques include:

  • Mitigates the effects of alcohol, including reducing hangovers and long-term damage to the liver from alcoholism
  • Circulates blood and relieves energetic congestion in the brain, which has the knock-on effect of improving sleep and rest cycles
  • Improves digestion by balancing the liver and gallbladder
  • Tonifies and improves liver and gallbladder function as a whole, which has the potential to relieve more serious ailments, such as hepatitis, over time.


My own journey started in the 1980s, I was in a serious motorcycle accident and sustained injuries that included a torn psoas muscle. I walked with a limp afterward, which was getting worse until I started training in tai chi and qigong.

Once I shifted to deep neigong practices with guidance from my teacher Bruce Frantzis in the 1990s, it took about a year to really heal my injuries at the deepest layers.

It made such a shift for me that I have dedicated my life to teaching it to others.

I’m now in my fifties and I’m healthier, stronger and more flexible than I was in my twenties.

Some of the most common things that my students say when they first start training with me include:

  • I’m becoming less flexible as I age
  • I’m still dealing with injuries that have never fully healed.
  • I’m under time pressure and don’t have time or continually learn new movements.
  • I’m dedicated to my practice and I want to improve.
  • I want to feel my qi.

Anything sound familiar?

What I can tell you is that qigong is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your body, heart and spirit.

I’ve been training for more than 30 years and I’ve seen first-hand how students and training partners have time and time again:

  • Healed joint and soft-tissue injuries and avoided surgeries
  • Become more coherent and able to focus
  • Eased negative emotions, especially frustration, anger, depression and general feelings of being ineffectual with the practice of Heaven and Earth
  • Stopped emerging migraines and taking migraine medication
  • Gained a tangible and sense of and contact with their qi.

Heaven and Earth Qigong is an excellent exercise system to start with because it’s easy to learn and students often feel benefit from training almost immediately.

Keep your practice alive and well and it’ll do the same for you,

—Paul Cavel, Senior Heaven and Earth Qigong Instructor


Heaven & Earth Qigong
Online Training Program

An 8-Week Intensive to Learn a Powerful Self-Healing System to Heal Your Body & Awaken Your Qi

with Master Bruce Frantzis and Paul Cavel

What’s Inside the Heaven & Earth
Online Training

1.OVER 70 succinct, carefully-crafted STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS to easily and successfully learn the two-part Heaven and Earth exercise and the essential internal techniques.

This is the first comprehensive online training ever created to teach you Heaven and Earth Qigong in just eight weeks. It has been designed so that you can practice from your home … or anywhere in the world. If you don’t have high quality teacher nearby this program is an excellent training companion, and it is powerful tool to use in preparation for attending live trainings.

2. Specific INTERNAL AND ENERGETIC PRINCIPLES to focus on each week of the program.

With a special focus on openings & closings and partner practices using a step-by-step progression and close-up videos on how to pulse all of the major joints of the body. Never published before footage!

3. GUIDED PRACTICE VIDEOS every week – follow along with Paul and Energy Arts students.

Direct access to practice videos to take you through this qigong form first in components and then as a set. Stream from your computer and learn each week to complete the movement form.

4. The Energy Arts Training Forum on Facebook

Get access to the the private Energy Arts Training Forum that is only for current students of our programs. Connect with other people on the course and stay in touch with the global community.

Receive THREE Extra Bonuses:

5. BONUS Footage from Master Frantzis’ Heaven and Earth Advanced Training Sessions – Over 30 videos and 5+ hours of Teachings.

You will receive additional videos with Bruce Frantzis teaching intermediate and higher level aspects of the form. This will further support the progressive building and improvement, including the internal energetic aspects and components that make Heaven and Earth Qigong such an incredible practice.

6. Downloadable PRACTICE LOGS that allow you to easily track your learning and practice progress.

To stay consistent we have created printable practice journeys that guide you through the lessons and can help you stay on track each week as you go through the training.

An Overview of the Training Curriculum 

Video 1: Introduction to Heaven & Earth

Video 2: Benefits of Heaven & Earth Qigong

Video 3: Standing Alignments

Video 4: Guidelines for Moving in Qigong

Video 5: How to Move the Arms: Overview

Video 6: How to Move the Arms: Practice Session

Video 7: How to Move the Arms: Linking the Arms Deeper into the Body

Video 8: How to Move the Arms: Considerations for

Intermediate Students and the Naturally Flexible

Video 9: The Weight Shift

Video 10: Join the Weight Shift with the Arms

Video 11: Join the Weight Shift with the Arms: Practice Session

Video 12: Kwa Squat: Overview

Video 13: Kwa Squat: Practice Session

Video 14: The C-curve: Overview

Video 15: Hook the Neck

Video 16: Roll the Pelvis

Video 17: Draw Back the Mid Spine

Video 18: The C-curve: Practice Session

Video 19: The C-curve and Kwa Squat: Overview

Video 20: The C-curve and Kwa Squat: Practice Session

Video 21: Completing the Basic Heaven & Earth Form: Overview

Video 22: Completing the Basic Heaven & Earth Form:

Arms and Weight Shift with Kwa Squat and C-curve

Video 23: Completing the Basic Heaven & Earth Form: Practice Session

Video 24: Bending and Stretching Neigong: Overview

Video 25: Bending and Stretching in Heaven & Earth Qigong for Beginners

Video 26: Bending and Stretching in Heaven & Earth Qigong: Practice Session

Video 27: Bending and Stretching in Heaven & Earth Qigong for Intermediate Students

Video 28: Energetically Penetrating the Legs: Overview

Video 29: Energetically Penetrating the Legs: Practice Session

Video 30: Energetically Penetrating the Legs in Heaven & Earth Qigong


Here's a summary of What You'll Receive:

1) Over 70 succinct, carefully-crafted STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS with Paul Cavel to easily and successfully learn the two-part Heaven and Earth exercise and the essential internal techniques [Value $397]

2) GUIDED PRACTICE VIDEOS every week - follow along with Paul and Energy Arts students [Value $97]

3) The Energy Arts Training Forum on Facebook


4) Over 30 Additional Teaching Videos from Master Frantzis’ Heaven and Earth Advanced Training Sessions OVER 5+ hours of Teachings [Value $397]

5) Downloadable PRACTICE LOGS that allow you to easily track your learning and practice progress

Total Value: $897+

Regular Price: $487

Join Heaven and Earth Qigong
training Program Today:

Click the Book Only or Book & Online Program button below to go to a secure order page:

Three Monthly Payments





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Our Promise and 100% Guarantee

We’ve put together one of the most comprehensive online qigong packages ever created including over 5 hours of extra training footage and practice logs. AND if for any reason you purchase and then decide it is not for you then just let us know within 30 days and we will refund you…so you can try this out completely risk-free. Thank you!

About Your Instructors

About Master Bruce Frantzis

Bruce Frantzis is the Founder of Energy Arts and has been called the foremost Western expert in Wu style tai chi and Yang style tai chi, holding direct lineages from China. He teaches six powerful qigong sets, as well as bagua zhang and hsing-i from the martial, health, and meditation perspectives. His passion is teaching the Taoist meditation tradition, a direct path to awakening your highest potential. 

About Paul Cavel

Paul Cavel is the founder and principal of The Tai Chi Space, a London-based internal arts school established to teach Water method arts. Since 1987 he’s studied Taoism, the I Ching, Five Element neigong, medical qigong, Yang and Wu style tai chi, Pre- and Post-birth bagua, yoga, tui na energy healing and Taoist meditation. Paul is a soft tissue and injury therapist (ITEC Level 4) and began teaching in 1995 with the encouragement of his primary teacher, Taoist Lineage Holder Bruce Frantzis. He is the author of The Tai Chi Space: How to Move in Tai Chi and Qi Gong (Aeon Books, 2017), which covers the 42 fundamental internal principles of the arts, as well as The Five Keys to Taoist Energy Arts Online Course offered by Energy Arts.

I personally discovered the transformative, healing power of water tradition energy arts after sustaining serious injuries from a motorcycle accident in the 1980s. My own healing journey led me to my purpose of helping people gain insight into how to cultivate their mind, body, and energy in ways that are effective and efficient, yet safe and sustainable for health and wellbeing through all stages of life.
– Paul Cavel

Frequently Asked Questions

Will you be mailing anything to me or is everything digital?

Everything is digital and online, available to you to access via the membership site whenever you need it.  Also the program is fully downloadable, so you will be able to use the program offline, in your own time on your computer, laptop, smart tv, phone and other digital devices.

When will I receive my lessons?

Initially after purchase you will receive welcome emails with your login information to the Heaven and Earth Qigong online program. After logging in you will have immediate access to the first week’s lessons at that time. Then each subsequent week over an 8 week period you will receive an email directing you to the new weekly lessons from Paul and Bruce in your account.

How do I progress through the online program?

If you are a beginner or relatively new to the practice of Heaven and Earth Qigong, please start with Paul’s section of the program first. He will teach you the fundamentals of the form from the ground up and give you the core knowledge that you will need to succeed. Bruce’s videos are designed for the intermediate level practitioner that has had a significant amount of experience with the form already.

How do I know if I am registered?

If your payment has gone through and you have received an email with your login details then you are registered! Please check your spam folder to locate the email that says, “Welcome to the Heaven and Earth Qigong Online Program”

How can I get support?

We are here to support you along the way with any questions you may have about purchasing and accessing the course. For support please email: Sometimes our emails might end up in your Junk/Spam/Promotions folder, so please do check there!

What People are Saying

“Clear Pathway for Progress

I really appreciated Paul’s extraordinarily methodical approach mapping out a clear pathway for progress. All we have to do now is put in the work.

Peter Taylor, Energy Healer

“Remarkable Results

I’ve had some pretty remarkable results in this past month, I really can’t thank you enough, Paul. My back is now better than it was before my injury.”

– Kym Brown, Musician

“Increase Energy Levels

Your instructions, materials, and sequences are excellent. I am recovering from an illness that has weakened my muscles and caused chronic fatigue. Practicing for the past few months, I have been able to increase my energy levels.

– Mike, Student

I Haven’t Had Any Pain

Thanks for spreading your knowledge! I am able to discriminate between discomfort, aching, tension in muscles, bands, fascia or nerves, if my back is just tired from work or if it’s real pain. I’m happy to say that in the last four weeks, I haven’t had any pain.

– Cindy Roch, Physiotherapist

I Could Not be Happier

How Paul takes all this decidedly esoteric stuff and reverse-engineers it into manageable components that can then be practiced, embodied and then miraculously re-assembled into its glittering, original loveliness is a very impressive thing to behold. My work is now cut out and I could not be happier about it.

– Chris Binns, Contractor

“Quality Teaching

Thanks very much for the quality of your teaching and integrity of advice. A couple of weeks into the program some hip and back pains that had disturbed my sleep cleared. Then a hip joint that had felt subluxed for years slotted back into place: this made me really happy and optimistic about the future

– AM, Student

Highlights of the Program – The Five Primary Qi Flows:

For new students, you will learn and begin to use many letters of the neigong alphabet. The five primary qi flows, which will be covered in-depth are:

  • Opening and closing the skeletal frame
  • Activating and developing the ascending and descending qi flows (acupuncture meridians)
  • Activating and developing the body’s collateral qi flows
  • Cleansing the tissues inside the brain
  • Joining the above qi flows to generate and boost the great and small heavenly orbits of energy, which are essential to health and vitality.

Learn the Four Essential Component Practices:


Four component practices will allow you to develop skills working with the five primary qi flows. Progressive, step-by-step instructions are provided in the lessons that follow to teach you how to:

  • Shift your weight along the centerline of each foot, which encourages qi to move up and down your body through the ascending and descending energy channels, as well as your spine
  • Bow and straighten your spine to open up the back (posterior) and front (anterior) aspects of your vertebrae, an exceptionally important exercise that is almost non-existent in other exercise systems
  • Lengthen your body’s fascia in order to gain access to, release and stretch your muscles, nerves, ligaments and blood vessels
  • Energetically penetrate your legs from your spine, through your tailbone and down to your feet to generate copious qi.

Here's a summary of What You'll Receive:

1) Over 70 succinct, carefully-crafted STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS with Paul Cavel to easily and successfully learn the two-part Heaven and Earth exercise and the essential internal techniques [Value $397]

2) GUIDED PRACTICE VIDEOS every week - follow along with Paul and Energy Arts students [Value $97]

3) The Energy Arts Training Forum on Facebook


4) Over 30 Additional Teaching Videos from Master Frantzis’ Heaven and Earth Advanced Training Sessions OVER 5+ hours of Teachings [Value $397]

5) Downloadable PRACTICE LOGS that allow you to easily track your learning and practice progress

Total Value: $897+

Regular Price: $487

Join Heaven and Earth Qigong
training Program Today:

Click the Book Only or Book & Online Program button below to go to a secure order page:

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Our Promise and 100% Guarantee

We’ve put together one of the most comprehensive online qigong packages ever created including over 5 hours of extra training footage and practice logs. AND if for any reason you purchase and then decide it is not for you then just let us know within 30 days and we will refund you…so you can try this out completely risk-free. Thank you!

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