The Tao of Self-Discovery

If you want to find out who you are, you have to get behind anything and everything that has happened to you in your life. It doesn’t matter what could occur. It doesn’t matter what you might be experiencing at the present moment. It doesn’t matter...

Shengong: SpiritWork on the Meditation Path

When you learn to read and write there is an assumption that you already know the alphabet. Likewise, when you are practicing qigong, bagua or tai chi you are mainly learning the basic ways in which chi works in relation to health, chi development and internal power...
The Dune Litany: Fear is the Mind Killer

The Dune Litany: Fear is the Mind Killer

A lot of people don’t know this about me, but when I was young I was an avid reader. I could read a 500-page book in a day and a half or two and actually digest it. Then, I went through a long period where I didn’t read at all, especially not in English. I didn’t...

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