In the Lesson 07 Dissolving Practice Session of the audio Qigong for Lifelong Health: Qigong Standing and Dissolving, Bruce talks about “diminishing returns”. What does that mean?
This means you get less results for the same or greater efforts.
In my experience, when I work on dissolving, when I turn my attention to a blockage it reacts fairly quickly. But it might not yet release fully, just partially…. (I once thought of the layers of an onion… )
When I started, being the perfectionist that I am, I dwellt on that and tried to realease more and more until my concentration or training time was finished, but the amount of energy released became smaller and smaller.
This is diminishing returns. I built much more dynamic in the training when I just continued to the next blockage after a release, revisiting the first one at a later time – on which it released much easier again.