Inner Dissolving to Release Negative Thoughts

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    Does anyone have experience or knowledge of the best way to dissolve recurring negative thoughts?

    I find it hard to pinpoint the location inside my body to apply inner dissolving. I’m guessing the source is in my mental body, but I’m not sure where to focus my attention.

    Bruce once taught us to dissolve purely in the mind by relaxing the space between thoughts as a starting point. However at the end of the day, he said that if we knew how, we should do this within the body, starting at the crown of the head.

    I might experiment with the “mind only” version (which Bruce said is useful if you should find yourself without a body), but I’d love to hear from anyone who can help me with this issue.



    I don’t think I can help you here but lets have some fun in discussing the words you use in the post.
    1. inner dissolving—- is actually meditation(only it is done at the first layer or as a start to the inner world) and is done by first attaining a very deep mind focus and concentration called mind stream by BKF. Without the deep still mind you are the same as in ordinary day to day state, or to say you have not change or become better and so you will not feel any thing that you are not feeling now. To go into that deep mind state you need to sit down and try to keep perfectly still in body and mind and wait for the mind to settle down. Try to sit without moving the body because when you make any movement the mind(conciousness) is distracted and you loose your concentration. Don;t let the mind run away from whatever you are doing (the mind need something to hold its attention, like repeating a mantra, or watching the breathing,or focusing on an empty position between thoughts, otherwise you can use sheer will power to create a blank in you mind) try to free your conciousness from your body so that you are totally in your mind. This is called “without a body”. After some practice, I believe a person normally takes some 40 mins. to reach this state. Even a person with years of practice will take some 20 mins to reach this state(the mind stream state).
    2. Inside the body to apply inner dissolving.

    The mind have to settle down, focus and concentrated until it is in the mind stream before it can feel anything (which may or may not be exactly in the body as imagine). This is typical meditation technique and is done in very relaxed state (there is no physical tension to disturb) . Focus,concentration and intent is in the mind and you play or feel for it in such a way that you don’t push too hard because the mind can rebel. The mind can be coaxed but not forced.Constant repetition and daily sitting meditation is the way to conquer the wayward mind. Only when the mind is there then will it see the thing.
    3 Negative thought

    Lots of thoughts running through the mind is a normal condition especially when you are going in looking for them. The mind use this none stop chattering to prevent a person from going in. This is the number one or almost sole obstacle to keep us outside in this worldly consciousness. The mind (and its consciousness) is in the human body(consider it as bond together) and it is the same entity whether we are alive or death. If we are dead (apparently) in meditation or actually physically dead, the mind is still the same old mind and it carries on, only we as human is not aware of our after-death-state! Saint Paul say –I die daily– meaning he meditate until he experienced the “don’t have a body state” daily. Meditation is like dying to the world and being born in the inner state. A state we first experience or call emptiness and where we aspire to travel to find God, our true home or to find heaven. Some people believe there is no after death consciousness or God. Negative thought is precisely what the inner dissolving want to get rid off.
    3. Mental body— is not something physical and different people perceived it differently but you do understand it as mental body. Our language is very inadequate to describe the inner scenario for there is nothing like it in this outside world.
    4 Mind only version(in mind stream)—-This is the real way to do the inner dissolving. If the mind is too excitable and find it hard to settle down to a still (no thought) quiet state than you just do your best for say 20 mins to settle down and than carry on to feel and dissolve through the body.You still benefited from this exercise and slowly you gets better at it. This seems to be BKF recommendation.
    Outer dissolving is much easier to do because you don’t have to meditate until you reach the mindstream state to do a proper standing dissolving.It is actually more a qigong practice. With the intention you sink the qi down through the body and while the qi is on its way down you play with dissolving any unhealthy area in the body. With the intention you direct the qi to dissolve, to clean or clear and or just to heal.
    The exact detail to do a good dissolving is in the book. The book describe the qi soaking down like water and the consciousness of the inner body to be vivid and not in ” mind image”, is the higher standard you get if you are able to go into the mind stream first or at least close to it.
    It is better to do the outer dissolving first (it should be done anyway as a qigong practice) and that will help to progress to inner dissolving.
    5 crown of head

    normally when we think and so is when we meditate our consciousness is naturally somewhere behind the eye in the head. I notice BKF mentioned in the book that to start the dissolving you (intention in your consciousness) bring the mindstream up to the crown first.
    6. I will add BFK recommendation to start the practice slowly to prevent unforeseen trouble. Do it for only 20 mins first and see how you feel. Don’t force your way in if you don’t feel good. Keep increase the period of meditation gradually maybe 10 mins more as you go on.
    The inner world is very difficult to penetrate for most people, especially for those going in the proper way. It is a big universe, it must be big for God is to be found inside. All level of angels, dieties, so-call-God and different level of heaven are inside.??
    Hope you enjoy reading.


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