The Energy of Hsing Yi, Tai Chi and Baguazhang

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    Bruce mentions on the Demo DVD in the Hern Chuan set that the energy of Hsing Yi is YANG (pushing Forward), That the energy of Tai Chi Chuan is YING AND YANG. (soaking up)…what is the energy mix speciality of Baguazhang ?



    Hello Matthew,

    From what I’ve read of Bruce’s books and what I heard him say in the DVDs, it seems the “energy mix” for these 3 arts are as follows:
    -Taichi : maximizing YIN Chi (yielding);
    -Hsing-I : maximizing YANG Chi (imposing oneself);
    -Bagua : Maximizing the ability to seamlessly CHANGE from Yin to Yang and vice-versa (transforming the situation).




    Hello Matthew.

    From my experience, and readings Bagua epitomizes the daoist principals in that you want to achieve a wuji state where you are literally “nothing”. From this you can become anything and thus are able to switch back and forth between yin/yang and every infinite combination of the 2. This is applied in Bagua via intricate 3-dimensional spirals where you create tornadoes and spheres of either yin or yang and you are able to switch shape / speed / direction / yin-yang in a microsecond. So maybe you could call it beyond yin and yang? Or yin/yang CHANGE – bagua is very focused on constantly changing.


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