Three paths and the I Ching

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    Recently Mr. Frantzis sent a text about the three paths within Taoism (warrior, healer, sage) and mentioned
    that the major book in Taoism is the I Ching.

    I don’t know much but , my understanding is that the I Ching is used for divination, future foretelling,
    also that there is philosophical Taoism and religious Taoism ( the latter is kind of a degeneration of the former)

    Could someone explain more about this issue?



    How-do Marco,

    This is just the western-obscuration that results from looking into the heart of its antipodal eastern counterpart.
    If the I Ching is its bible it’s because the I Ching represents all possible permutations of change and, as such, points to or, more accurately, circles that which doesn’t change.
    In the west, we want to cut to the chase but don’t realize how much of a hindrance this can be; under this auspice when you point or speak directly of the changeless center, you are more often than not, talking about your own relative/impermanent perspective and as soon as someone includes whatever variable that counteracts this, you’re left with the feeling of helpless loss and looking a bit like a fool.
    In this regard, western society acts like the perennial-idiot speaking from the changeless center, completely oblivious to it, and pointing at the little bit it doesn’t occupy at any given moment and, eternally-dumbfounded, asks “why?”

    That said, if you can see that looking at the I Ching as a divination tool as a vast narrowing of its abilities and looking at philosophical/religious Taoism as just labels used to feel like you can understand something without, you’ll start to and eventually get whatever it is that the western lens has occluded.

    Because western society is the big-cheese of the moment it just makes more of an ass of itself than eastern society, which would probably show its colors if it were on top. Western society has its merits as does eastern but these become obscured when you use one to look at or judge the wisdom of the other.

    Apologies, Marco, for the belittling tone (it’s really aimed at the ills of egomaniacal society); it’s just, as a westerner, seeing another make it this far to a good source and being stuck makes me righteously-pissed!

    Cody ;-)



    Thank you for your explanation Mr. Cody.

    Does Energy Arts have a book or website to properly study the i Ching?

    If not, Could you recommend one?




    I was hoping for something like this from Bruce and Co. in the near future, who knows? But I’m unaware of anything at present available from Energy Arts regarding the I Ching specifically.

    The only book I ever bought on the I Ching was the complete I ching by Alfred Huang; it’s alright, I guess, but no where near anything that I’ve been able to understand from how Bruce was taught. Nothing in the west comes close to what Bruce was taught and teaches.
    So, I wouldn’t personally recommend any books on the I Ching.
    Just find something he teaches that draws you in and go for it, and hopefully with time, we’ll see an I Ching course be offered!




    There is a ch in “Chi Rev” (brief bit poignant) about I-Ching…

    and in the 2 med bks (Relaxing into, and Gr Stillness) references about 6th E body (Causal… the probability patterns, related to this bk)

    -also the 5th Ebody (“psychic” although read that as the Energy that underlies and structures the “mind” .. but in a “mind” .. for an Event, or a place, or whatever- each has EnergyBody structures.. then Ebody-layers of manifestation- it links “causality” via -it- to 4th which is the pattern that underlies 3rd (in mind it is “emotional” in else- not “emotion” but the more dynamic re-distributing forces.. that then are expressed — ala 2nd ~chi/subtle electricity along the wires.. and 1st.. the actual “wires” etc.
    Think the StrangeAttractors of Nonlinear-dynamic mechanics-physics (oft more vulgarly called “chaos physics” :) the Cymatic pattern that shapes (like how the magnetic field moves/distributes iron fillings in its field.. or the “math” of a Fractal pattern relates the placement-pattern of its parts…. beyond seeking to Interpret (extropolate) what that pattern might be… what about Contact/track & interact with such patterns…? (I ching- guas… the manner by which a sttate changes to a 2nd state: A to B… 64 diff ways to ‘change’ A to B.. not 63 other “things” A could change to.. 1 (the 64th) being B.. no the way in which change occurs… (and the flow of change could be through a Gua.. and then a different Gua/manner of change could arise…. that “change” (Gua1 to Gua2) is also via a change (a Gua-meta0) so to speak…

    Weird ramble- hope that feeds some thought-larvae

    also I think there are a few references in the new med bk (TaoSexMed) distrib throughout… (and in the Power of Int’l MA- when Bagua and HsingI is addressed- not directly- there you need read between the lines…. not spelled out.. but in ref to change)

    To ref a Bruce Quote- “There is nothing in Chinese Internal Energy or Neigung that is not IN the I-Ching.” (which includes moving/still outer practices, accupuncture, as well as “meditation”… its all in those couplets!?!? rather concise and packed/layered :) -view the YouTube Video where Bruce shows the “Bagua Fire Palm” for BRIEF comment, above quote, but more in a few oral-comments he’s made in the past…

    [ the attempt to explicitly spell out in translations “the Iching of ___” is like taking a butterfly and pinning-it… a “specimen” (unmoving-fixed.. no more)… and to not only have so much in few words (as the whole at once, we seek a “summary” how have all the various parts in mind, as the many details don’t connect up the puzzle… thus benefit of having it in so few words…
    but add to this, what is referenced is what we don’t have words for? (the text meant to mean different meaning-subtlties as depth goes, else it would be unapproachable until able to think at that lvl Beyond/Before Yin-Yang (energy, again change- but in flow: starts here, goes to there.. that isn’t the entirety of the flow “all at once”.. this sort of element is what underlies manifestation? (and yet speak with words about this and that…. -but to give a way to make contact ‘this and that’ works (some)

    … or perhaps above is deluded… and confuses (my state is in flux and resting from muddled-ness and overwhelm by connecting to a subject I find dear… thus my diatribe (what I’d like to have read, but it is planned to require re-readings and working through—- could have been a simplier comment that read through once it could be understood… but then you’d need more, and not to write more… so this one post (and 2 other comments on diff thread, related).
    as comparison, TaoTeChing course- half-hour to 45mins.. even an hour on “each ch” (many of which chs in TaoTe are a few paragraphs)… which Bruce gives meaning context -philos/understanding as well as “practice” doing for each.. illumes aspects of NeiGung (assm-ing a whole)… I thnk 95chs.. (thus 80 to 100 Hours or so.. how long a transcribed book would that be? -and audio has different reqs than “writing” -his time isn’t worth trying to work that into a “book”… and I think I-Ching has even more “meaning” in it.. thus how long (if all of Chinese NeiGung is in I-Ching, then all of his classes/workshops/retreats address…. -see the ‘concepts’ embedded in the TaiChiClassics..

    luck (hope this isn’t too much a chore for the Earts that ‘moderates’ this :) -and I hope someone(s) reading this gets from, and shares aspects from (not just in upcoming, but returns as works through… for some to spend more than a month or two.. let alone many-months continuously on such an inquiry is something… [how long can someone learn and grow within ChiGung and/or say TaiChiChuan, etc.. 30 yrs and still going? thus I-Ching also?)] who knows… rambling now -cheers

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