Opening and closings in the classic Wu style neigong set

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    I am practicing Wu Style Taichi. We do have a separate Neigong set of 24 excercises. Of which i am sure every advanced practitioner is aware. It is a very important part of the practice. I guess the same set exists in the Yang style.

    I’ve started incorporating openings and closings in it as I go throught the openings and closings circle. But the question is where exactly to close and to open?

    Lets take “Jade Rabbit pounds the drug of immortality”.
    I can imagine and see logic in both ways. We can open while inhaling and going up and raising hands. But we can also close while inhaling and going up – the chi goes from hands and feet to dantyan and with exhaling goes down to the palms and feet hile the body goe down to mabu – this also makes sense. I’ve tried both variants and they seem to produce different effect.
    Or maybe we should do it in different phases – open legs while hands close and vice versa.

    Which is the correct one or which should be practiced first?
    Thank you.



    Just wanted to share some new experience. When doing the Jade Rabbit tried not opening and closing the whole body simultaniously but pulsing from the center to the outside and then back. Start closing Dantyan while opening hands and legs and exhaling and sitting down. Then hands/legs start to close and Dantyan start to open while inhaling and going up.

    Another good exercise. While doing Wu square form when you pause in each move make pulsing of the hands for several times like in the Intermediate Session 15 in the Openings and Closings circle. Results are more relaxed and aligned postures and moves.



    I’ve tried another way today of the Jade Rabbit. Could it be that we should simultaneously close inner side of the hand while opening the outer when inhaling. And then vice versa when exhaling. Same with legs.



    Sounds very interesting with ample scope for exploring. I’m thinking the static forms in the sequence will be initially the easiest to augment with pulsing. But that’s just personal, I’ll attempt the jade rabbit & hopefully get somewhere. Right now my hand speed is faster than capacity to open, close. Working on that too.

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