QIgong for Hypertension

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    I have been recently diagnosed with hypertension and, upon research, realized that it is associated, in TCM, with hyperactive liver yang energy. I was wondering if anyone has experience in treating hypertension with Qigong and which protocols/sets have been deemed the more efficient in doing so.




    Dragon and tiger qigong does liver AND the lungs (dragon and tiger symbolizing the liver and lungs, depending), amongst other things, and Bill’s course, the online one offered on the homepage, is pretty damned good. But that’s just my opinion and there are other stuffs offered that teach dragon and tiger, the dvd set and books that is.



    I am often tense, anxious. And often very angry. This comes from my early childhood experiences.

    What I do and is effective is :

    5 Animals / 6 Healing Sounds (Michael Winn)
    Dragon & Tiger (BKF)
    Deep Earth Pusling (Michael Winn)
    Zen Meditation

    The 5 Animals can be used to leg go of many deep emotions that have been there for many years, often painful. It takes time but better out than in.

    And D&T circulate regulates and opens the chi circuits in the body.

    I do 5 minutes per animal or movement for all activities, which makes 30 mins Animals, 35 mins D & T, and I do it twice a day.

    It can also be good to change your diet and lifestyle, and look after yourself in many ways.



    Thank you. I have entered the DT program and will pursue it, along with adding daily meditation to my day.

    I will also research the 5 animal healing sounds and Deep Earth Pulsing.

    Much congratulations on practicing 2 hours a day.



    Thank you. I have joined the DT program and will support my learnings with the books. I look forward to learning what seems an excellent QIgong set.



    Sorry to be late in posting. If the hypotension is only triggered by stress/anxiety issues then it is easier to address. When I was going through school and encountered finals I found that my B.P. would rise to the pre hypotensive levels. As I have no familial history then I new what the triggers were external. Still, getting those #’s down was not easy. I found that due to my personality type I could make anything a “ground and pound” scenario. I could bring my B.P. down with breathing and relaxation if I had all the right situations. After I went into my day I could not hold the serenity and by the end I would be climbing again.
    In my experience Longevity breathing and dissolving has been crucial. I found that the “background noise” in my internal space was my stress and anxiety… or maybe it was the result of. As I let it go I could see more clearly and that allowed for a less “reactive” response to events I encountered.
    I am sure that the foundation to all other practices is dissolving and relaxing. I trust the material delivered and I don’t do anything else I have learned from other sources. If it is a more Organic bone/tissue cause then the above will still help with correcting that as well, whether T.C.M. or western medication.
    By the way I work in a very stressful environment where the risk of assault is a daily occurrence. Before joining the Circle my numbers were 140-145/80 I could bring them down to 120/80 for short a short time… not too bad but not where I wanted then to go. Now 105/75 HR 50-60 even in the middle of the day at work. That’s just me however, everyone has different reasons for hypotension.
    Best of luck…



    Thank you much David for you response. I have lost quite bit of weight since we last talked but must definitely work on my reactive habits, so as to control this intermittent BP issue. Stress and anxiety are my background noise. I will definitely delve deep in longevity breathing and dissolving as I feel it will help not only my BP but also my level of all around happiness.



    Way to go Pierre!

    You are your own best doctor.

    My practice is very similar to “ride forever’s”

    The material by Michael Winn
    (who has helped Bruce edit a book)
    has made Qi much more tangible.

    I also do a lot of Yang Style Tai Chi.

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