Some observations

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    Hello to everyone.

    First of all, i find for me very useful to sink chi ( from fingertips and crown of the head) while doing circle hands, especially coronal. The movement is repetetive and reasonably simple, so you can slightly concentrate on sinking and feeling.

    Second, during whole this year i tried to apply rule of 70%. And i found that when you soften your movement to 70%) you focus getting more easy, softens. So i think there is a link between hardness of my mind and hardness in movement, so i think, probably, it can be done both way simultaneously, limiting your movement range and strenght, and softening your intent, making it fluid. For me the most important point is 70% of my mind intent.

    Third, i found very interesting practicing Tai Chi after running, i mean, if you do some hiking, and than tai chi in the mounatin it is one thing, but if you run, even a little, it is very different ( for me). So i have a question, what is your suggestion on running and tai chi ?

    Tahnks a lot for your attention, have a nice day and good practice.



    Hello Ivan,

    I too have tried running and then doing Taichi, and I agree that it gives good results.
    But I find it much better to do “Opening the Energy Gates of the Body” Chi Gung before Taichi: it makes the Taichi very connected, fluid and alive.
    Another options that gives different sensations but also works very very well is to do Santi standing (of Hsing-I Chuan) before the Taichi : it makes the Taichi very solid, grounded and connected.





    Hello Иван and Erwan,

    I agree with the kinds of things that Erwan wrote, the issue being- I find- that one has to have some skill-devel in order to do certain techs.. which allow doing them to be “different” (and thus devel further skill, etc.)…
    in other words, I find my “standing” to be similar looking on the outside- but a completely different “doing” (some parts have changed as I understand more, and add/tweak, but mostly just my understanding of what my bodily-exper can be, as well as transformation of myself- as I’ve written of in other comment-posts) –

    As Bruce has mentioned, doing the CloudHands of E-gates set, can move the fluids much more so than Aerobic Activity (purely vascularly, and via the body’s-cavity/pockets syringe-like action).. but only once the body moves that way (at least for me- in the beginning it was, partly still is :) like a dried-sponge.. crusty and stiff, a whole different thing once is softened and became/becomes more able to Soak-Wring…
    So in that regards I’d say it depends.. (espec related to HsingI SanTi… the way I ‘try’ and do it now, I couldn’t conceive of previously as a poss- which limited how I tried.. thus how I was able to devel)…

    The tricky bit (for me) in regards to running- espec, but also other aerobic type acts is that there is an impact-aspect which usually triggers the mind to numb out.. if that makes sense (the pounding-shock of feet- boom/boom on the ground, sort of tunes the body into doing on auto- disconnect from aliveness, particularly in the legs/knee/hips.. even the foot as a morphing sponge-like vs a solid ‘fist’ bouncing (even lightly) off the ground.. so “if” one is emphasizing the living-awareness in the body, all aspects connected and linked up (vs bound together), that could be an issue.. I say “if” as that may or may not be the current emphasis (separate and combo- skill devel etc.)

    Either way, the first two pts you mention Иван… sinking and 70%, congrats I too have found those in particularly both of great benefit, as well as difficult (initially) to integrate into my on-going being/doing.. as they seem to be culturally counter-intuitive.. luck and see what you find works best- I look fwd to reading what you find



    Hello Gary.

    It is hard for me to explain, not only because english is not my native language, but also because its kinda hard to catch the sensation with words)

    But i will try. So about running. I begin my taichi and qigong at home, then i go to the some bascetball yard then i go to the mountain and sea shore. With time i find that nature, the enviroment wich is surrond you, in my case, is very influnt the form, the movement and the mind. So i find that running which is starts from the inside, possibly from guts or heart is that kind of modulation of perception which is subtly connected to enviroment and form which is follow the running.

    I have same background in science ( western, or common science) so i have a habbit ) to observe what is happening, and trying to combine it in different variations. It is another biiiig task for me to sink that kind of ratioanl, consciouness mind.

    Thank you and have a good practice, and happy new year!



    Hello to everyone. Some practices, or movement or still form of the body, when i begin to do it was only kind of intellectual activity. I mean abot ligaments muscles and all that physiological stuff. But eventually i found, that some activity is happily integrating into whole nature. Not in a strong way , but very subtle.

    For example Dragon and Tiger QiGong is very usefull for me to finish day, or some big thing. For example after long hiking you can do DT to simple give off all you have gathered)

    So! Happy New Year to everyone, and it was really very nice for me to did DT just befor the new year midnight )

    So, have a nice practice, and, if you want, share your own observations )



    Hello Erwan.

    For now i do micro form of Wu style ( TaiChi for beginner programm) and practice 24 form. So i cambine in the beginning Marriage of Heaven and Earth, then 5 24, then 5 wu. Then sitting still, than again 5 24 and 5 wu and Marriage.

    I found, most valuable in that routine, that i can kinda clearly see the changes which is streaming through my routine. I mean that one day i do it slow ( not i do , but it is happeniung slow) one day reasonably fats and energetic) So all stuff is fluidly changing. And that is a great thing to join with.

    I try to do Tai Chi in the open spaces, so it the breathing better. And running is also part of activity, which is connects me to enviroment. I mean it is not my routine, but sometime it is just rising from somewhere – i have to run.

    Have a nice practice.

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