What is Chi?

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    Does anyone know of some sort of description of the nature of chi (at least physical chi) in terms compatible with western science? Enven if it’s just a theory…

    I’d like to be able to conceptually bridge that gap between the western and the eastern view.



    Biochemical electro-magnetics and its’ various levels of frequency – that’s the theory I’m working with.
    The simply idea: the human body is a certain density or low frequency; the chi body is a more subtle and slightly higher freq; the emotional body is the next level of higher, subtle freq; every other energy body is a consecutively higher freq. Bruce talks about these energy bodies in these exact terms, “subtle higher frequencies” in his book, Relaxing Into Your Being.
    The importance of FEELING each energy body, from the physical body upward, is to attune the brain – the bodies largest electromagnetic source – to the different levels of frequency, and through the guidance of our mind, transition the rest of our nervous system to that frequency. By relaxing to an ever greater degree, beyond any particular level one may be at, the nervous system and its’ electromagnetic strength, impulse, or flow increases so we may experience the next more subtle energy body. The only way to encourage the nervous system to become stronger is to relax, let go more and more. Another way to say that is to feel lighter within the physical body. That’s exactly opposite to what happens when we over-stress our nervous system, which frazzles, and frays, and reduces and impedes nervous flow. This causes nervous glitches to occur.
    All the chemical reactions that occur within our bodies are basically some form of positive or negative electric charge interacting to create some appropriate biological function. The more pure the nutrients we take into our bodies, the more vibrant the energetic flow and glow may be within the cells and tissues of our body. Alkalinity encourages our vitality and ‘charges up’ our systems. Acidity breaks down and reduces the health of our systems and leads to disease. Cancer cannot live in a alkaline environment.
    “Imagination” is a ‘bridge’ that can help us transition through a denser way of thinking (nothing derogatory intended). But ultimately the experience should be felt – then at the next level – seen.
    All the natural and even the unnatural energy around us can be felt – from the trees as we drive by them, to the denser energy of the rocks and dirt at our feet, and even the higher etheric frequencies between the our dense, physical bodies and other dense physical bodies – human or otherwise. Some of the negative energy we feel are power lines, the detergent isle in the grocery store, and some people are overly sensitive to strong magnets like the magnetic mattresses, causing the nausea woozy feelings.
    Spiritual energy is registered in terms of electromagnetic frequency. Cold, electric, tingling, airy, and warm sensations, smells, and sounds are also common spirit energies, which can all be measured in terms of frequencies.
    Each organ has a particular chemical make up, charged appropriately through it various bonds, and densely packed into the coagulated form each organ individually takes, they too have there own frequencies.
    This is the logic I work with and the other half of what I do relates to intuition. I think the two are the yin and yang of each other.
    The Body Electric is a good reference into this stuff. Bruce talks on this level. Also Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy, by Qigong Doctor, Jerry Allen Johnson is an encyclopedic Comprehensive Clinical Text that speaks on this level, and so does Lineage Master Waysun Liao, in his book TaiChi Classics.
    We’re not really talking about Western or Eastern view here, but instead Natures’ Science. That’s where the Taoist looked and delved into to understand all they know. Einstein played in the same field, Hawking plays in this field. Genius Dr. Royal R. Rife and John Crane and the science and equipment they discovered and developed were written about in Barry Lynes book, The Cancer Cure That Worked!: Fifty Years of Suppression. These men discovered the science and a painless simple treatment to destroyed cancer and other diseases through the use of resonance frequency. This is most likely the level at which qigong doctors are treating and curing cancer.
    I hope this helps you.



    western definition of chi

    ok, heres something to thing about.

    western science has, for a while now, only accepted indirect evidence of something. I can’t say, this felt hot, I have to get a thermometer, and get a number to report.

    Taoist life sciences, or taoist arts, are based on the very opposite; they take internal sensation to be the starting point for exploration and understanding.

    I saw this first in sports psychology, in the west we are hampered by not being able to get into the “black box” that is the mind. in fact, a sharp professor told me, we dont get this stuff at all, if you want to really understand the mind/body connection, check out the asian work.

    the conclusion I have come to is that you can’t explain chi very well to anyone locked into a western though method, cause they blocked off the door that takes you there.

    on the other hand, anyone who’s taken high school chemistry has learned about transformation of energy; it’s just the idea that we can feel and directly interact with those energies with our mind that is “out of bounds”

    my conclusion is that someone who really gets this work is gonna do something spectacular and get people to go “wow, WTF is going on here?” until then, it’s an uphill battle, cause they can just say, well, that’s nothing, it didn’t happen, I didnt’ feel it.

    not cause they felt nothing, but because they have been ignoring how they feel their whole life, they are used to ignoring chi.

    that’s my take on it, anyway. hope this helps…



    Would appreciate if anybody has experience with this topic:


    and could give some insights how serious this method of photography is.

    Best regards,




    Western consciousness is trained to ignore the direct experience.

    This makes people feel that they have no power and makes them a slave to authorities who they are told are “scientific” > meaning you should believe them.

    Although it is true that on this planet over 4 Billion years the human being has been created as the finest organism that exists, a being of infinite subtlety of functioning …. in the West people are taught that they should not feel.

    And that they should believe the authority.

    It’s a kind of slavery of consciousness.

    Why would you want to have chi explained in scientific terms, I don’t know but it is quite simple. In scientific terms chi does not exist. It is a pseudoscience, meaning imaginary. It is not real or meaningful, get back to work. A human being is according to science, a kind of meat machine that has no meaning.

    However if you want to know the truth just feel it as you practice and ignore everything that you learnt at school.



    Yes, Steven is correct.

    Electromagnetic fields and waves produced by the natural functioning of the body. You should read ‘The Body Electric’ as a starting point.

    But I don’t know why this is such a surprise: electro-magnetism is a fundamental property of matter and the whole known universe.

    Science will eventually prove or validate this idea of chi, but where will that understanding take us? Very exciting…

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