Tao Ziran – The Natural Way in Taoism

The word Tao has many meanings. First, there is the Tao of doing anything, which is the same as the ideal way of doing something. You must travel on a particular path in order to wind up where that path leads. Going a little deeper, the word Tao considers the...

Embracing the One in Taoism and Life

We just had a 1-1-11 day so I thought it would be appropriate to share this post about Oneness and Taoism. The ‘One’ and ‘Oneness’ are very much central to Taoist philosophy and thought. In Chinese, shou-yi or shou-i means “embracing the...
Taoism and Wu Wei: Action, Non-Action

Taoism and Wu Wei: Action, Non-Action

Wu wei is a very fundamental concept in Taoism, similar to wu wei wu, which means action, non action. Wu means nothing and wei means action. In the West most people have clear agendas and they set out to accomplish specific goals. However, in Taoism one of the central...
Tides of Change – Living the I Ching

Tides of Change – Living the I Ching

Everything changes. Every moment in time is unique unto itself. Every moment in time carries a shadow of the past and in many ways the future is nothing more than a projection of the past. What happened before is going to happen again, although in exactly what way is...

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