Western and Taoist Concepts of Exercise Western paradigms mistakenly lead people to believe that the only way to improve health is through high-intensity, high-impact aerobic exercises. Many doctors and health websites advocate aerobics for strengthening your heart...
Here, Bruce demonstrates ‘Roll the Ball’, a practice that is associated with bagua, rou shou, and fighting applications, rather than with the circle-walking and meditation aspects. In this bagua practice, the arms encase a sphere in space and the movement...
Bagua zhang (Ba gua chang/Pakua chang) is an internal energy art even more ancient than tai chi chuan, and was developed 4,000 years ago in Taoist monasteries primarily for health and meditation. In the last several hundred years, bagua zhang has become known as a...
To learn bagua zhang there are many schools of thought. Bruce Frantzis’s teacher, Grandmaster Liu Hung Chieh, was fortunate to study bagua with disciples of both the martial art tradition of Tung Hai Chuan (who popularized bagua zhang) and the Taoist monastic...
Here is a short, introductory video about the Bagua Fire Palm. In it, Bruce discusses Bagua’s history as a spiritual development system, as well as its evolution into a martial art. Bruce also discusses topics from a previously held workshop held in San...
Bagua (Bagua/Pakua) has two main traditions. In the West, the better known is its martial art tradition, usually called bagua zhang. Less well known is its spiritual or monastic tradition. This post explores the spiritual tradition of bagua and how it can be used for...