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The Power of Taoist Arts

February 22 - February 23

Improve your martial art, increase health and power through secretive methods of changing intent, focus, and chi

Master Bruce Frantzis and Grandmaster Ly Hong Thai

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In-Person and Online Attendance Now Open for Registration!

New Students Welcome!

For the first time ever, Energy Arts is collaborating with another Daoist internal tradition for a special event presenting both tradition’s internal styles of Kung Fu, Neigong, and Martial Art applications. Each Lineage Holder (or Master/Grandmaster) will exemplify and teach their tradition’s martial art and the internal components that provide that martial art its power, health benefits, and chi cultivation: Neigong.

What is Neigong?

Handed down for thousands of years, the ancient Chinese Neigong (Nei Gung/Nei Kung) tradition of chi cultivation provides a systematic method for transforming body power into one integrated, unified, and dynamic whole. Offering immense benefits for internal and external martial arts practitioners, Neigong promises a body that can move better, faster, and with more strength and stamina. Since Neigong is what you are doing inside of your body with your mind and intent, with complete focus on internal processes and movement regardless of what external movements are being made, it is applicable to any bodily movement practice or martial art: karate, aikido, judo, yoga, pilates, other more advanced and developed arts, or simply weight lifting and exercise.

One of the reasons for developing Nei Kung is to strengthen the body’s internals, especially along the meridians, energy centers, and tendons so that it can be protected from energy/power whether it comes from the body, the universe, or an opponent. This would include energy from meditation and energy gathering, for those of you more focused on spiritual and health gains.

As Master Bruce Frantzis often states as an analogy…

“When you buy a fancy bottle of wine, are you buying it for the bottle or for the wine that is inside?”

Hopefully, the wine inside is good, and it’s not just a fancy looking bottle. Neigong is like the wine, and any external form or physical movement you do is like the bottle. The bottle is useful for holding the wine, but it is the quality of wine you are seeking.

Each of these traditions has comparable but somewhat different Neigong systems – the same core ideas with different flavors. Keeping with the wine analogy, it’s somewhat like a red cabernet sauvignon vs. a white sauvignon blanc.

What You Will Learn

Each day of the workshop, both Lineage Holders will teach something from their version of Neigong and how to apply that Neigong in martial arts or kung fu. Grandmaster Ly Hong Thai will teach the morning sessions both days, and Master Bruce Frantzis will teach the afternoon sessions each day.

What should you expect? Profound growth and a deep, tangible learning experience! Although martial arts applications are a focus here, you do not have to participate in the martial side of things if you do not wish to. Participate in whatever capacity and level you are comfortable with. Neigong practices as well as martial arts can become lifelong practices with no end to how much you can grow, learn, enhance, and heal internally. Though we can virtually guarantee you will have an experience like no other, do not expect to walk away from a single weekend of training with an entire Neigong system ingrained in your body. Another good analogy: you’ll be given a seed, and if you nurture the seed’s growth, you will soon have a mighty tree you can enjoy for a lifetime.


Great for Beginners and Advanced Practitioners:

You do not need any previous experience in either style or any other martial or internal art to participate and find something of use to you. If you do have experience in any martial art, these skills will help you to grow more. No specific attire or equipment is necessary to participate. Simply wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move easily and freely.



Master Bruce Frantzis

Bruce Frantzis is a Taoist Lineage Master with decades of experience in Eastern healing systems. He is the first known Westerner to hold authentic lineages in qigong, bagua, tai chi, hsing-i and Taoist meditation. His meditation lineage is directly linked to that of Lao Tse, author of the Tao Te Ching. He has extensive experience in Zen, Tibetan Buddhism, Yoga, Kundalini, energy healing therapies, as well as Fire and Water traditions of Taoism.


Bruce’s credentials include:

  • 10 years training in China, 6 years in Japan and India
  • 20 years studying Zen, Yoga, Kundalini and Taoist Fire traditions
  • Accepted this Water tradition from Taoist Lineage Master Liu Hung Chieh
  • Extensive martial art experience in external styles such as Shotokan Karate, Judo, Aikido, White Crane, Wing Chun, Northern Praying Mantis, Taiki Ken, Monkey Boxing, Eight Drunken Immortals Boxing, and Northern Shaolin Six Combinations
  • Trained over 20,000 students in Taoist energy arts and meditation
  • Certified more than 400 instructors worldwide
  • In 1981, he was the first Westerner to be certified in Beijing by the People’s Republic of China to teach the complete system of Tai Chi Chuan
  • Studied acupuncture, worked as a qigong doctor and tui na bodyworker in medical clinics in China, healing more than 10,000 patients
  • Author of 16 books on chi practices including tai chi, martial arts and Taoist meditation
  • PhD in Health Sciences, served as advisor to Harvard University’s Qi Research Group

Since 1961, Bruce Frantzis has followed the 3,000-year-old Taoist tradition of warrior/healer/priest. The heart of his tradition is the cultivation of chi, the internal energy that connects the mind, body and spirit to the underlying consciousness of the universe (Tao). All his efforts aim to help teach these arts and support his commitment to disseminate the practical Taoist tradition. He founded Energy Arts to enable people of all ages and fitness levels to increase their life-force energy, attain vibrant health, reduce stress, heal illness, and otherwise maintain health and well-being.


Ly Hong Thai

Born in Viet Nam, at the age of seven, Ly Hong Thai entered the Taoist monastery at Lao Fau Shan, China, to be trained in Taoism and the monastery’s martial art, Hong Gia, by his father, a martial arts legend and the Grandmaster of the monastery. His father made deals with the most proficient masters of fighting, healing, weapons, and spirit/energy strength to come and teach his son. By eighteen, Ly Hong Thai had become a master and was told to go teach. He decided to use these teachings as a way to bring people to the Tao. He was acknowledged by his instructors as being a master in…

  • Hong Gia
  • Several eastern weapons
  • Wu Chi variants (tai chi, hsing i, and pa kua a.k.a. ba gua)
  • White Eyebrow
  • Huyen Kong (Mystical Kung Fu: redirecting energy outside of our body into another person for healing or fighting purposes)
  • Beautiful Eyebrow (a martial art designed just for women)
  • Spiritual meditation
  • White Crane
  • 15 animal styles
  • Herbal medicines
  • Acupuncture and acupressure.

Natural talent and a lot of practice!

After leaving the monastery, he set up his own school in the Cholon district of Saigon where many masters came to challenge him. One was a senior student of Ip Man. He challenged Ly Hong Thai to a table top match and was quickly and totally defeated. Ly Hong Thai remains undefeated to this day after many challenges around the world. Today he has moved to the United States where he and his instructors teach tens of thousands of students in about a dozen countries. His goal is the same as before, he wants to bring students to Taoism through his teaching; A good man and a good teacher who still knows how to have fun!


The Benefits of Attending In-Person

In-person attendance is always recommended. Bruce and Ly Hong Thai respond directly to those they see practicing in the room and adjust accordingly. The teachings are transmission-based and offered in a sealed space – embodying the information is most possible in-person.

  • Hands-on adjustments from Bruce, Ly Hong Thai, and Senior Instructors.
  • Priority during Q and A sessions.

Learn From Where You Are


If you aren’t able to attend with us in-person, the next best option is to attend live via Zoom. You will not only be watching live, but will also be able to ask questions and interact with our global community at the same time. 

Whether you attend online or in-person you will receive access to the RECORDINGS of every class. This gives you the tools to learn at your convenience from wherever you are in the world.

You can DOWNLOAD recorded classes for permanent offline access on your device.

Experience the ease of learning from your home with multiple camera angles, clear audio, and live Q&As. It’s the next best thing to attending in person!

A summary of what you will receive:

  1. FOUR LIVE Teaching Sessions with Master Frantzis and Grandmaster Ly Hong Thai ~10 hours
  2. Access to a Private Facebook Training Forum
  3. Recordings of all sessions for viewing and downloading.

Course Schedule

February 22-23 in Longmont, CO

Registration/Check-in at the Energy Arts Training Center, Longmont, CO (in-person only):

  • Saturday, February 22nd, 2025, 9:15-9:45 am

Class schedule:

  • Class Instruction: Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 22nd-23rd, 2025
    10:00 am-12:30 pm Morning Sessions
    2:30-5:00 pm* Afternoon Sessions

*There will be additional open hours for practice time in the afternoon/evening


Course Fees

$297or 3 Monthly Payments of $99 (Online and In- Person)

The Power of the Taoist Arts Workshop February 22-23, 2025

The Energy Arts Training Center Colorado

1602 9th Avenue
Longmont, CO 80501

Course Recordings

All students will receive a digital recording of full course which you can watch and download at a time of your convenience by logging into your Kajabi account. Recordings will be available a couple weeks after they broadcast.


Deep contemplation, physical contact, and the risk of injury and emotional stress are inherent in the practice of meditation, movement, martial and other arts taught by Energy Arts, Inc. and Hong Gia, Ly Hong Thai and/or his assistants, certified instructors, and their assistants. This course is not for people with mental health issues and, if you have any concerns about your wellbeing, you should consult with your healthcare professional before attending this course. You must voluntarily assume full responsibility for all risks of loss, damage, or injury of any kind that you may sustain. You may sit out of any practice or exercise as you like.

Energy Arts, Inc., Insights Foundation, Hong Gia and those associated with these entities are NOT endorsing each other entity’s practices, arts, businesses or other financial affiliations, claimed associated benefits, verbal statements or claims, or actions, and each entity’s views are specifically their own.

The names, materials, exercises and components, and teaching methodology used throughout the course are protected by copyrights and trademarks owned by Bruce Frantzis and/or Energy Arts, Inc., Insights Foundation, Hong Gia Viet Nam, and/or Ly Hong Thai and such names and materials may NOT be reproduced in any form (whether in print, electronically or otherwise), sold, or otherwise used without expressed written permission.

You may NOT teach any of the material learned unless expressly certified as an Energy Arts Instructor by Master Bruce Frantzis and/or given explicit permission by Ly Hong Thai to teach as applicable.


February 22
February 23


Energy Arts Training Center
1602 9th Avenue, Longmont CO 80501 United States + Google Map

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