Transferring You to the 8-Level Instructor Certification System

Hello Energy Arts certified instructors,

This is Bruce here, with the latest on our transition to the new 8-Level instructor certification system.

This new 8-level system is a big improvement over the old one. The greater number of levels enable us and you to more clearly present to the world your status as an EA instructor and the level of skill you have achieved. Plus as you reach one level, you’ll now have a much clearer and achievable set of skills to learn to get to the next level.

Your Current Certifications Will Transfer Over the Coming Months

We have transfered all of your current certifications on our website into the new system, in the following manner:

  • Physical Movements certifications become Level 1’s
  • Level 1’s become Level 3’s
  • Level 2’s become Level 5’s **
  • Level 3’s become Level 7’s

**There is one exception. Anyone who first certified as a Dragon and Tiger Level 2 instructor in the 2017 Washington, D.C. training will become a Level 4.

Recertification Test Requirements and Timelines

Your new level in each subject will hold until you take a recertification test in that subject. 

When you take that test, depending on the subject, what training you attended, and what group (Level 1, 2 or 3) you participated in during that training, you may be eligible to upgrade your level to an even higher level. For example, if you currently hold a Physical Movements certification in Heaven and Earth qigong, if you can now fully manifest the skills you were taught in your training, then you could achieve a new level as high as Level 6. Similarly, if you are currently a Level 2 in Heaven and Earth, you could achieve a Level 7 once you’ve tested.

Of course, if you haven’t maintained your skills, then you will be assigned whatever level you can meet.

We’ll ask you to take such a recertification test for each subject within one year of the date that we publish the new 8-Level criteria for it. This can be done in-person or online – if you are eager to achieve a higher level, be sure to test sooner. 

For example, last March we published the new 8-Level criteria for Foundational, Dragon and Tiger, Energy Gates, and Heaven and Earth qigong. Below are links to 4 revised PDF documents which specify the 8-Level certification criteria for those subjects. These revised documents have been edited to make the criteria easier to understand: 

Foundational Qigong 8-Level Certification Criteria

Dragon & Tiger Qigong 8-Level Certification Criteria

Heaven & Earth Qigong 8-Level Certification Criteria (newly updated April, 2024)

Energy Gates Qigong 8-Level Certification Criteria (newly updated April, 2024)

Many instructors have since taken certification or recertification tests in those subjects. The new Levels they achieved will be posted on their pages on our website in the coming months as part of the transfer.

If you hold a certification in Dragon and Tiger, Energy Gates, and/or Heaven and Earth qigong, you now have until October 31, 2023 to test for recertification. 

You should have received an email ‘”How to Recertify in the New 8-Level System.” If you didn’t receive or no longer have this email, please contact to have it sent to you.

We plan to publish 8-Level criteria for all other subjects sometime in the next year.

Once you recertify in a subject in the new system, you’ll need to recertify again within five years. I also strongly encourage you to continue to study with me and/or other instructors who hold a higher level than you.

Thanks for being an instructor and helping spread these wonderful arts.

May everything further,




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