By Paul Cavel The many threads and layers of neigong that can be activated and integrated in the Marriage of Heaven and Earth Qigong gives practitioners a taste of what is possible from ongoing study of Taoist arts — without the complex choreography associated with...
Once you’ve breached the barrier between the physical breath and the qi-breath – which is like passing through an invisible membrane into a slightly different reality – you can begin to pull the qi out of the air that you breathe. Daoist breathing starts with engaging...
Foundational Qigong includes the core exercises and key component practices of the Energy Arts System. Four Core Exercises The three training levels that comprise Foundational Qigong allow students to establish and grow their practice of four essential component...
Instructor Certification and Opening up the Lineage Track of Study By Paul Cavel Anyone who has trained the Energy Arts System knows first-hand that the material is deep, spans a wide range of internal techniques, and therefore, advancement can be slow-going. The...
Part Two of Two (Click here for Part 1) By Paul Cavel Wood Element Qigong In China it is quite common to find many different forms called the same or very similar names because it’s the underlying methodology that provides the basis for the reference–not a set of...
Part One of Two (Click here for Part 2) By Paul Cavel Stress and tension have a way of building up and compounding over the years. Many people feel tired and drained because their body does not get enough of what it needs to properly repair and rest. They are...
By Senior Energy Arts Instructor Paul Cavel Although internal arts practice and the process of embodying ever-deeper layers of neigong is a lifetime pursuit for the most dedicated practitioners, at each increment of advancement, the associated health benefits increase...
By Senior Instructor Paul Cavel Single Palm Change and Beyond In the first part of this article, we left off discussing the minimalist’s camp—doing nothing and being absolutely content—but how do you get there? Once you have an understanding of and become...
By Senior Instructor Paul Cavel Bagua zhang is a pure Taoist energy art primarily practised by those interested in the I Ching or Taoism—having been derived as a physical manifestation to realize the teachings of the I Ching. That is, ba gua is an embodiment of the...