In this video, I talk about some common mistakes that people make when doing tai chi. If you find yourself doing some of them, no worries…it is all a road and by recognizing any of these in your form you can move to your true potential.
Good practicing, Bruce
Thanks for posting these great tips!
i have been studying some of
i have been studying some of your work for the last 25 years through your books and videos… always with some hesitancy to actually meet and train with you despite your obvious skill.. but there is a change in you, physically, energetically that… that really looks good on you. it seems quite profound to me, like you are resting into your wisdom. how lovely for you, and all those that train and engage with you.
Thank you for generously
Thank you for generously sharing your experience & insights.
Common mistakes, all my mistakes
Bruce, I have to admit, a lot of what you said is me. It actually made me stop Tai Chi for a while. After seeing this video I will return with a whole new outlook.
Gratitude for you!
Gratitude for you!
Thank you for all your tips.
Thank you for all your tips. Very simple to remember and very encouraging to me.