Hi Everyone,
We had almost three hundred questions submitted about the Taoist Sexual Book! The good thing is that almost 95% of these questions are answered in the book. I recorded a video to answer some of the major categories of these questions.
In the text below the video, you will find the topics with corresponding timestamps, so that you may easily access information relevant to your question.Â
I hope that this is useful to you.
Here are the questions and approximate time stamps for your reference:
- How do Taoist sexual practices enhance spiritual growth? [0:00]
- Are there any dangers to Taoist sexual meditation practices? [2:48]
- Are Taoist sexual practices appropriate for everyone? [4:49]
- What are the foundations for Taoist sexual meditation? [6:45]
- How can Taoist sexual practices assist those with low energy or libido? [7:33]
- How can I use the Taoist sexual practices to enhance the emotional connection with my partner? [9:28]
- What are the health benefits of Taoist sexual practices for senior citizens? [10:49]
- How often should senior citizens have sex? [13:04]
- Can a man achieve multiple orgasms? [13:50]
- Does ejaculation deplete the energy of the body? [14:47]
- Why do certain spiritual practices advocate celibacy? [15:30]
- What are the benefits or drawbacks of celibacy when doing practice like qigong or tai chi? [17:32]
- Can practicing celibacy be damaging for certain individuals? [18:07]
- Any advise for martial artists who want to use sexual energy? [20:01]
- What if your partner is not a Taoist practitioner? [20:50]
- How can men learn to cultivate a more loving energy? [22:50]
- In the book, are there solo Taoist sexual meditation practices? [23:33]
- How can a person prepare to do the Taoist sexual practices? [23:52]
- How are qigong and neigong related to Taoist sexual meditation? [25:45]
- Why is sex generally repressed in religions? [27:15]
- What are the different perspectives on Taoist morality? [29:35]
- Is semen retention a safe practice? [35:47]
- What are the Taoist techniques for healing sexual trauma? [43:41]
- What is sexual qigong? [44:57]
- Can you do qigong incorrectly? [47:08]
- At the end of sex, how can you pull your energy back into you? [47:32]
- How is the spine used in Taoist sexual practices? [48:10]
- How do you transmit the energy of sex into higher states of consciousness? [48:50]
- How does sexual intercourse relate to clearing or creating karma? 52:02
- How do you make the bridge from sexual qigong to sexual meditation? [53:44]
- What’s the ultimate destination or possibility for Taoist sexual meditation? [55:16]
- Why practice Taoist sexual meditation? [55:57]
Looking for other books by Bruce Frantzis? Click here to access Taoist Sexual Meditation, The Chi Revolution, Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body, and more!